Examples of Effective Print Advertising Options

Marketing a small business doesn’t have to take up a large chunk of its operational budget. Print advertising is still relevant in today’s digital world, and allows businesses to enjoy advertising without bearing huge costs. There are a few print advertising options to consider when you want to increase your business visibility.

Thermal paper advertising

Also known as receipt advertising, this type of marketing makes the best of the available resources. It involves printing coupons or deals on the front side of sales receipt. Thermal paper advertising is low-cost, simple to implement and highly targeted.

Shared mail advertising

This type of advertising involves various businesses combining their advertisements into one marketing material such as a magazine. The biggest advantage of shared mail advertising is it is extremely cost effective since the cost is shared among various businesses.


Although a common print marketing option, many businesses still do not utilize the potential effectiveness of advertisement banners. These can be strategically placed in front of the shop to advertise deals and new offers. Banners are also effective for marketing at public events.

Working with a high-level marketing agency such as Lead Performance Marketing can help to gain a competitive advantage over other businesses. This specific agency is focused on helping businesses to meet their marketing objectives and ROI goals.  
