Different companies employ various marketing strategies. These include print and digital marketing and door-to-door outreach. Also, there is the use package inserts, an idea that is fast gathering speed globally. Here are the top benefits of using this idea.
Low Costs
Using package inserts guarantees low costs. Using them is not equivalent to placing an advert on the local daily or paying a marketing company, yet they are equally effective.
High Targets
You already a customers’ pool. You know what they prefer and what they buy mostly. Using a package insert, you can then tailor your promotion closely with what the order recipient shopped.
Delivering the Message is Free
You are fixing a package insert inside or on a delivery box. Since the order has already been paid for, including the delivery costs, you will be running a free promotion. You will not need to pay the customer or reduce the cost of their purchased items because you placed an insert alongside it.
Increasing Loyalty
When a customer receives an order with a package insert, believe it or not, they feel special. They feel a great association with the outlet they shopped from. In return, this gives them the urge to remain loyal to your store as they feel you take them as important parts of the venture.